WordNet Search - 3.1
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realize#3 (realize%2:36:00::)
realise#4 (realise%2:36:00::)
actualize#1 (actualize%2:36:00::)
actualise#1 (actualise%2:36:00::)
substantiate#3 (substantiate%2:36:04::)
(make real or concrete; give reality or substance to)
"our ideas must be substantiated into actions"
actualize#2 (actualize%2:32:00::)
actualise#2 (actualise%2:32:00::)
(represent or describe realistically)
direct hypernym
inherited hypernym
sister term
represent#12 (represent%2:32:12::)
(describe or present, usually with respect to a particular quality)
"He represented this book as an example of the Russian 19th century novel"
derivationally related form
sentence frame