WordNet Search - 3.1
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annoy (annoy%2:37:00::)
rag (rag%2:37:01::)
get to (get_to%2:37:00::)
bother (bother%2:37:00::)
get at (get_at%2:37:00::)
irritate (irritate%2:37:00::)
rile (rile%2:37:00::)
nark (nark%2:37:00::)
nettle (nettle%2:37:00::)
gravel (gravel%2:37:00::)
vex (vex%2:37:00::)
chafe (chafe%2:37:00::)
devil (devil%2:37:00::)
(cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations)
"Mosquitoes buzzing in my ear really bothers me"; "It irritates me that she never closes the door after she leaves"
worry (worry%2:37:01::)
vex (vex%2:37:02::)
(disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress)
"I cannot sleep--my daughter's health is worrying me"
agitate (agitate%2:35:00::)
vex (vex%2:35:00::)
disturb (disturb%2:35:01::)
commove (commove%2:35:00::)
shake up (shake_up%2:35:01::)
stir up (stir_up%2:35:00::)
raise up (raise_up%2:35:00::)
(change the arrangement or position of)
vex (vex%2:32:04::)
(subject to prolonged examination, discussion, or deliberation)
"vex the subject of the death penalty"
perplex (perplex%2:31:00::)
vex (vex%2:31:02::)
stick (stick%2:31:00::)
get (get%2:31:10::)
puzzle (puzzle%2:31:00::)
mystify (mystify%2:31:00::)
baffle (baffle%2:31:00::)
beat (beat%2:31:00::)
pose (pose%2:31:09::)
bewilder (bewilder%2:31:00::)
flummox (flummox%2:31:00::)
stupefy (stupefy%2:31:00::)
nonplus (nonplus%2:31:00::)
gravel (gravel%2:31:00::)
amaze (amaze%2:31:01::)
dumbfound (dumbfound%2:31:00::)
(be a mystery or bewildering to)
"This beats me!"; "Got me--I don't know the answer!"; "a vexing problem"; "This question really stuck me"