Key: "S:" = Show Synset (semantic) relations, "W:" = Show Word (lexical) relations
Display options for sense: (gloss) "an example sentence"
Display options for word: word (sense key)
S: (v) perform (perform%2:36:00::), execute (execute%2:36:01::), do (do%2:36:01::) (carry out or perform an action) "John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters"; "the skater executed a triple pirouette"; "she did a little dance"
S: (v) perform (perform%2:41:02::) (perform a function) "Who will perform the wedding?"
S: (v) perform (perform%2:36:01::) (give a performance (of something)) "Horowitz is performing at Carnegie Hall tonight"; "We performed a popular Gilbert and Sullivan opera"