S: (v) work (work%2:41:02::) (exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity) "I will work hard to improve my grades"; "she worked hard for better living conditions for the poor"
S: (v) work (work%2:41:00::), do work (do_work%2:41:00::) (be employed) "Is your husband working again?"; "My wife never worked"; "Do you want to work after the age of 60?"; "She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money"; "She works as a waitress to put herself through college"
W: (n) worker (worker%1:18:02::) [Related to: work] (a person who acts and gets things done) "he's a principal actor in this affair"; "when you want something done get a doer"; "he's a miracle worker"
W: (n) work (work%1:06:00::) [Related to: work] (a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing) "it is not regarded as one of his more memorable works"; "the symphony was hailed as an ingenious work"; "he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey"; "the work of an active imagination"; "erosion is the work of wind or water over time"
W: (n) work (work%1:04:00::) [Related to: work] (activity directed toward making or doing something) "she checked several points needing further work"