S: (n) upper (piece of leather or synthetic material that forms the part of a shoe or boot above the sole that encases the foot) "Uppers come in many styles"
S: (n) amphetamine, pep pill, upper, speed (a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression)
S: (n) amphetamine, pep pill, upper, speed (a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression)
S: (n) analeptic (a medication used as a stimulant to the central nervous system)
S: (n) aphrodisiac (a drug or other agent that stimulates sexual desire)
S: (n) kat, khat, qat, quat, cat, Arabian tea, African tea (the leaves of the shrub Catha edulis which are chewed like tobacco or used to make tea; has the effect of a euphoric stimulant) "in Yemen kat is used daily by 85% of adults"
S: (n) methylphenidate, Ritalin (central nervous system stimulant (trade name Ritalin) used in the treatment of narcolepsy in adults and attention deficit disorder in children)
S: (n) popper (a container of stimulant drug (amyl nitrate or butyl nitrite))
S: (n) drug of abuse, street drug (a drug that is taken for nonmedicinal reasons (usually for mind-altering effects); drug abuse can lead to physical and mental damage and (with some substances) dependence and addiction)
S: (n) amphetamine, pep pill, upper, speed (a central nervous system stimulant that increases energy and decreases appetite; used to treat narcolepsy and some forms of depression)
S: (n) gateway drug (a habit-forming drug that is not addictive but its use may lead to the use of other addictive drugs) "one college athlete recently called beer a gateway drug for young people"
W: (adj) low [Indirect via high] (literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension) "low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hills"; "the sun is low"; "low furniture"; "a low bow"
S: (n) low (a low level or position or degree) "the stock market fell to a new low"
S: (n) first gear, first, low gear, low (the lowest forward gear ratio in the gear box of a motor vehicle; used to start a car moving)
S: (v) moo, low (make a low noise, characteristic of bovines)
S: (adj) low (less than normal in degree or intensity or amount) "low prices"; "the reservoir is low"
S: (adj) low (literal meanings; being at or having a relatively small elevation or upward extension) "low ceilings"; "low clouds"; "low hills"; "the sun is low"; "low furniture"; "a low bow"
S: (adj) low, low-toned (very low in volume) "a low murmur"; "the low-toned murmur of the surf"
S: (adj) low (unrefined in character) "low comedy"
S: (adj) abject, low, low-down, miserable, scummy, scurvy (of the most contemptible kind) "abject cowardice"; "a low stunt to pull"; "a low-down sneak"; "his miserable treatment of his family"; "You miserable skunk!"; "a scummy rabble"; "a scurvy trick"
S: (adj) humble, low, lowly, modest, small (low or inferior in station or quality) "a humble cottage"; "a lowly parish priest"; "a modest man of the people"; "small beginnings"
S: (adj) depleted, low (no longer sufficient) "supplies are low"; "our funds are depleted"
S: (adj) gloomy, grim, blue, depressed, dispirited, down, downcast, downhearted, down in the mouth, low, low-spirited (filled with melancholy and despondency) "gloomy at the thought of what he had to face"; "gloomy predictions"; "a gloomy silence"; "took a grim view of the economy"; "the darkening mood"; "lonely and blue in a strange city"; "depressed by the loss of his job"; "a dispirited and resigned expression on her face"; "downcast after his defeat"; "feeling discouraged and downhearted"
S: (adv) low (in a low position; near the ground) "the branches hung low"