Key: "S:" = Show Synset (semantic) relations, "W:" = Show Word (lexical) relations
Display options for sense: (gloss) "an example sentence"
S: (adj) communal (for or by a group rather than individuals) "dipping each his bread into a communal dish of stew"- Paul Roche; "a communal settlement in which all earnings and food were shared"; "a group effort"
W: (adj) communal (for or by a group rather than individuals) "dipping each his bread into a communal dish of stew"- Paul Roche; "a communal settlement in which all earnings and food were shared"; "a group effort"
S: (n) community (a group of people living in a particular local area) "the team is drawn from all parts of the community"
S: (n) community (a group of people having a religion, ethnic, profession, or other particular characteristic in common) "he was well known throughout the Catholic community"; "the news spread rapidly through the medical community"; "they formed a community of scientists"
S: (n) community (common ownership) "they shared a community of possessions"
S: (n) community (a group of nations having common interests) "they hoped to join the NATO community"
W: (adj) individual [Indirect via common] (being or characteristic of a single thing or person) "individual drops of rain"; "please mark the individual pages"; "they went their individual ways"
S: (adj) individual, single (being or characteristic of a single thing or person) "individual drops of rain"; "please mark the individual pages"; "they went their individual ways"
S: (adj) communal (relating to a small administrative district or community) "communal elections in several European countries"