S: (adj) active, dynamic ((used of verbs (e.g. `to run') and participial adjectives (e.g. `running' in `running water')) expressing action rather than a state of being)
S: (adj) stative ((used of verbs (e.g. `be' or `own') and most participial adjectives) expressing existence or a state rather than an action)
S: (adj) passive (expressing that the subject of the sentence is the patient of the action denoted by the verb) "academics seem to favor passive sentences"
S: (adj) attributive, prenominal (of adjectives; placed before the nouns they modify) "`red' is an attributive adjective in `a red apple'"
S: (adj) attributive genitive (a word in the genitive case used as an attributive adjective) "an example of the attributive genitive is `John's' in `John's mother'"
S: (adj) predicative (of adjectives; relating to or occurring within the predicate of a sentence) "`red' is a predicative adjective in `the apple is red'"
S: (adj) coordinating, coordinative (serving to connect two grammatical constituents of identical construction) "`and' in `John and Mary' or in `John walked and Mary rode' is a coordinating conjunction; and so is `or' in `will you go or stay?'"
S: (adj) subordinating, subordinative (serving to connect a subordinate clause to a main clause) "`when' in `I will come when I can' is a subordinating conjunction"
S: (adj) copulative (syntactically connecting sentences or elements of a sentence) "`and' is a copulative conjunction"
S: (adj) contrastive (syntactically establishing a relation of contrast between sentences or elements of a sentence) "disjunctive conjunctions like `but', `or', or `though' serve a contrastive function"
S: (adj) independent, main ((of a clause) capable of standing syntactically alone as a complete sentence) "the main (or independent) clause in a complex sentence has at least a subject and a verb"
S: (adj) dependent, subordinate ((of a clause) unable to stand alone syntactically as a complete sentence) "a subordinate (or dependent) clause functions as a noun or adjective or adverb within a sentence"
S: (adj) prescriptive, normative (pertaining to giving directives or rules) "prescriptive grammar is concerned with norms of or rules for correct usage"
S: (adj) endocentric (fulfilling the grammatical role of one of its constituents) "when `three blind mice' serves as a noun it is an endocentric construction"
S: (adj) exocentric (not fulfilling the same grammatical role of any of its constituents) "when `until last Easter' serves as an adverb it is an exocentric construction"
S: (adj) finite ((of verbs) relating to forms of the verb that are limited in time by a tense and (usually) show agreement with number and person)
S: (adj) infinite, non-finite, nonfinite ((of verbs) not having tense, person, or number (as a participle or gerund or infinitive)) "infinite verb form"
S: (adj) illative (expressing or preceding an inference) "`therefore' is an illative word"
S: (adj) unrestricted (not restricted or modified in meaning) "unrestricted verbs are usually stronger than those qualified by adverbs"
S: (adj) correlative (expressing a reciprocal or complementary relation) "correlative conjunctions"
S: (adj) weak ((used of verbs) having standard (or regular) inflection)
S: (adj) strong (of verbs not having standard (or regular) inflection) "`sing' is a strong verb"
S: (adj) limiting (strictly limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase) "the restrictive clause in `Each made a list of the books that had influenced him' limits the books on the list to only those particular ones defined by the clause"
S: (adj) nonrestrictive (not limiting the reference of a modified word or phrase) "the nonrestrictive clause in `I always buy his books, which have influenced me greatly,' refers to his books generally and adds an additional fact about them"
S: (adj) nominal (pertaining to a noun or to a word group that functions as a noun) "nominal phrase"; "noun phrase"
S: (adj) nominative (serving as or indicating the subject of a verb and words identified with the subject of a copular verb) "nominative noun endings"; "predicate nominative"
S: (adj) objective, accusative (serving as or indicating the object of a verb or of certain prepositions and used for certain other purposes) "objective case"; "accusative endings"
S: (adj) possessive, genitive (serving to express or indicate possession) "possessive pronouns"; "the genitive endings"
S: (adj) scopal (of or relating to scope) "scopal dependency"
S: (adj) future (a verb tense or other formation referring to events or states that have not yet happened) "future auxiliary"
S: (adj) optative (relating to a mood of verbs in some languages) "optative verb endings"
S: (adj) indicative, declarative (relating to the mood of verbs that is used simple in declarative statements) "indicative mood"
S: (adj) interrogative (relating to verbs in the so-called interrogative mood) "not all questions have an interrogative construction"
S: (adj) participial (of or relating to or consisting of participles) "participial inflections"
S: (adj) substantival (of or relating to or having the nature or function of a substantive (i.e. a noun or noun equivalent)) "a substantival constituent"
S: (adj) gerundial (relating to or like a gerund) "the gerundial suffix `-ing'"
S: (adv) attributively (in an attributive manner) "the genitive noun is used attributively"
S: (n) head, head word ((grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent)
S: (n) quantifier ((grammar) a word that expresses a quantity (as `fifteen' or `many'))