Key: "S:" = Show Synset (semantic) relations, "W:" = Show Word (lexical) relations
Display options for sense: (gloss) "an example sentence"
S: (n) chemical reaction, reaction ((chemistry) a process in which one or more substances are changed into others) "there was a chemical reaction of the lime with the ground water"
S: (n) reaction (an idea evoked by some experience) "his reaction to the news was to start planning what to do"
S: (n) reaction, response (a bodily process occurring due to the effect of some antecedent stimulus or agent) "a bad reaction to the medicine"; "his responses have slowed with age"
S: (n) control ((physiology) regulation or maintenance of a function or action or reflex etc) "the timing and control of his movements were unimpaired"; "he had lost control of his sphincters"
S: (n) respiration (a single complete act of breathing in and out) "thirty respirations per minute"
S: (n) breath (the process of taking in and expelling air during breathing) "he took a deep breath and dived into the pool"; "he was fighting to his last breath"
S: (n) insemination (the introduction of semen into the genital tract of a female)
S: (n) sleeping (the suspension of consciousness and decrease in metabolic rate)
S: (n) reaction, response (a bodily process occurring due to the effect of some antecedent stimulus or agent) "a bad reaction to the medicine"; "his responses have slowed with age"
S: (n) crying, weeping, tears (the process of shedding tears (usually accompanied by sobs or other inarticulate sounds)) "I hate to hear the crying of a child"; "she was in tears"
S: (n) reaction ((mechanics) the equal and opposite force that is produced when any force is applied to a body) "every action has an equal and opposite reaction"
S: (n) reaction (a response that reveals a person's feelings or attitude) "he was pleased by the audience's reaction to his performance"; "John feared his mother's reaction when she saw the broken lamp"