S: (v) plan (make plans for something) "He is planning a trip with his family"
S: (v) schedule (plan for an activity or event) "I've scheduled a concert next week"
S: (v) chart (plan in detail) "Bush is charting a course to destroy Saddam Hussein"
S: (v) project, propose (present for consideration, examination, criticism, etc.) "He proposed a new plan for dealing with terrorism"; "She proposed a new theory of relativity"; "The candidate projects himself as a moderate and a reformer"
S: (v) organize, organise, coordinate (bring order and organization to) "Can you help me organize my files?"
S: (v) organize, organise, prepare, devise, get up, machinate (arrange by systematic planning and united effort) "machinate a plot"; "organize a strike"; "devise a plan to take over the director's office"