S: (v) develop (make something new, such as a product or a mental or artistic creation) "Her company developed a new kind of building material that withstands all kinds of weather"; "They developed a new technique"
S: (v) develop (grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment) "A flower developed on the branch"; "The country developed into a mighty superpower"; "The embryo develops into a fetus"; "This situation has developed over a long time"
S: (v) stretch (become longer by being stretched and pulled) "The fabric stretches"
S: (v) develop (grow, progress, unfold, or evolve through a process of evolution, natural growth, differentiation, or a conducive environment) "A flower developed on the branch"; "The country developed into a mighty superpower"; "The embryo develops into a fetus"; "This situation has developed over a long time"
S: (v) expand (become larger in size or volume or quantity) "his business expanded rapidly"
S: (v) boom, thrive, flourish, expand (grow vigorously) "The deer population in this town is thriving"; "business is booming"
S: (v) proliferate (grow rapidly) "Pizza parlors proliferate in this area"
S: (v) lengthen (become long or longer) "In Spring, the days lengthen"
S: (v) ramify, branch (grow and send out branches or branch-like structures) "these plants ramify early and get to be very large"
S: (v) burgeon (grow and flourish) "The burgeoning administration"; "The burgeoning population"
S: (v) root (take root and begin to grow) "this plant roots quickly"
S: (v) rise, prove (increase in volume) "the dough rose slowly in the warm room"
S: (v) develop, acquire, evolve (gain through experience) "I acquired a strong aversion to television"; "Children must develop a sense of right and wrong"; "Dave developed leadership qualities in his new position"; "develop a passion for painting"