Key: "S:" = Show Synset (semantic) relations, "W:" = Show Word (lexical) relations
Display options for sense: (gloss) "an example sentence"
S: (v) decrease, diminish, lessen, fall (decrease in size, extent, or range) "The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester"; "The cabin pressure fell dramatically"; "her weight fell to under a hundred pounds"; "his voice fell to a whisper"
S: (v) diminish, belittle (lessen the authority, dignity, or reputation of) "don't belittle your colleagues"
S: (v) limit, circumscribe, confine to (restrict or confine within limits) "I limit you to two visits to the pub a day"; "please confine your questions to the topic"; "our actions are circumscribed by our biology, personality, and by the social and cultural context into which we are born"
S: (v) reduce, boil down, concentrate (cook until very little liquid is left) "The cook reduced the sauce by boiling it for a long time"
S: (v) shrink, reduce (reduce in size; reduce physically) "Hot water will shrink the sweater"; "Can you shrink this image?"