Key: "S:" = Show Synset (semantic) relations, "W:" = Show Word (lexical) relations
Display options for sense: (gloss) "an example sentence"
S: (n) feature, characteristic (a prominent attribute or aspect of something) "the map showed roads and other features"; "generosity is one of his best characteristics"
S: (n) attraction, attractiveness (the quality of arousing interest; being attractive or something that attracts) "her personality held a strange attraction for him"
S: (n) opacity, opaqueness (the quality of being opaque to a degree; the degree to which something reduces the passage of light)
S: (n) divisibility (the quality of being divisible; the capacity to be divided into parts or divided among a number of persons)
S: (n) ease, easiness, simplicity, simpleness (freedom from difficulty or hardship or effort) "he rose through the ranks with apparent ease"; "they put it into containers for ease of transportation"; "the very easiness of the deed held her back"
S: (n) suitability, suitableness (the quality of having the properties that are right for a specific purpose) "an important requirement is suitability for long trips"
S: (n) arability (the quality of land that is appropriate for cultivation)
S: (n) impressiveness (the quality of making a strong or vivid impression on the mind)
S: (n) navigability (the quality of being suitable for the passage of a ship or aircraft)
S: (n) neediness (the quality of needing attention and affection and reassurance to a marked degree) "he recognized her neediness but had no time to respond to it"
S: (n) protectiveness (the quality of providing protection) "statistical evidence for the protectiveness of vaccination"
S: (n) nature (the essential qualities or characteristics by which something is recognized) "it is the nature of fire to burn"; "the true nature of jealousy"
S: (n) air, aura, atmosphere (a distinctive but intangible quality surrounding a person or thing) "an air of mystery"; "the house had a neglected air"; "an atmosphere of defeat pervaded the candidate's headquarters"; "the place had an aura of romance"
S: (n) excellence (the quality of excelling; possessing good qualities in high degree)
S: (n) ultimate (the finest or most superior quality of its kind) "the ultimate in luxury"
S: (n) probability (the quality of being probable; a probable event or the most probable event) "for a while mutiny seemed a probability"; "going by past experience there was a high probability that the visitors were lost"
S: (n) factuality, factualness (the quality of being actual or based on fact) "the realm of factuality must be distinguished from the realm of imagination"
S: (n) particularity, specialness (the quality of being particular and pertaining to a specific case or instance) "the particularity of human situations"
S: (n) generality (the quality of being general or widespread or having general applicability)
S: (n) pleasantness, sweetness (the quality of giving pleasure) "he was charmed by the sweetness of her manner"; "the pleasantness of a cool breeze on a hot summer day"
S: (n) unpleasantness (the quality of giving displeasure) "the recent unpleasantness of the weather"
S: (n) naturalness (the quality of being natural or based on natural principles) "he accepted the naturalness of death"; "the spontaneous naturalness of his manner"
S: (n) unnaturalness (the quality of being unnatural or not based on natural principles)
S: (n) ethnicity (an ethnic quality or affiliation resulting from racial or cultural ties) "ethnicity has a strong influence on community status relations"
S: (n) accuracy, truth (the quality of being near to the true value) "he was beginning to doubt the accuracy of his compass"; "the lawyer questioned the truth of my account"
S: (n) accuracy ((mathematics) the number of significant figures given in a number) "the atomic clock enabled scientists to measure time with much greater accuracy"
S: (n) inaccuracy (the quality of being inaccurate and having errors)
S: (n) popularity (the quality of being widely admired or accepted or sought after) "his charm soon won him affection and popularity"; "the universal popularity of American movies"
S: (n) elegance (a refined quality of gracefulness and good taste) "she conveys an aura of elegance and gentility"
S: (n) elegance (a quality of neatness and ingenious simplicity in the solution of a problem (especially in science or mathematics)) "the simplicity and elegance of his invention"
S: (n) inelegance (the quality of lacking refinement and good taste)
S: (n) urbanity (the quality or character of life in a city or town) "there is an important difference between rusticity and urbanity"
S: (n) morality (concern with the distinction between good and evil or right and wrong; right or good conduct)
S: (n) immorality (the quality of not being in accord with standards of right or good conduct) "the immorality of basing the defense of the West on the threat of mutual assured destruction"
S: (n) hardness (a quality of water that contains dissolved mineral salts that prevent soap from lathering) "the costs of reducing hardness depend on the relative amounts of calcium and magnesium compounds that are present"
S: (n) sufficiency, adequacy (the quality of being sufficient for the end in view) "he questioned the sufficiency of human intelligence"
S: (n) worth (the quality that renders something desirable or valuable or useful)
S: (n) worthlessness, ineptitude (having no qualities that would render it valuable or useful) "the drill sergeant's intent was to convince all the recruits of their worthlessness"
S: (n) good, goodness (that which is pleasing or valuable or useful) "weigh the good against the bad"; "among the highest goods of all are happiness and self-realization"
S: (n) bad, badness (that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency) "take the bad with the good"
S: (n) negativity, negativeness, negativism (characterized by habitual skepticism and a disagreeable tendency to deny or oppose or resist suggestions or commands)
S: (n) occidentalism (the quality or customs or mannerisms characteristic of Western civilizations)
S: (n) orientalism (the quality or customs or mannerisms characteristic of Asian civilizations) "orientalisms can be found in Mozart's operas"
S: (n) power, powerfulness (possession of controlling influence) "the deterrent power of nuclear weapons"; "the power of his love saved her"; "his powerfulness was concealed by a gentle facade"
S: (n) ability (the quality of being able to perform; a quality that permits or facilitates achievement or accomplishment)
S: (n) solubility (the quality of being soluble and easily dissolved in liquid)
S: (n) insolubility (the quality of being insoluble and difficult to dissolve in liquid)
S: (n) stuff (unspecified qualities required to do or be something) "the stuff of heros"; "you don't have the stuff to be a United States Marine"
S: (n) hot stuff, voluptuousness (the quality of being attractive and exciting (especially sexually exciting)) "he thought she was really hot stuff"
S: (n) humor, humour (the quality of being funny) "I fail to see the humor in it"
S: (n) pathos, poignancy (a quality that arouses emotions (especially pity or sorrow)) "the film captured all the pathos of their situation"
S: (n) tone (the quality of something (an act or a piece of writing) that reveals the attitudes and presuppositions of the author) "the general tone of articles appearing in the newspapers is that the government should withdraw"; "from the tone of her behavior I gathered that I had outstayed my welcome"
S: (n) relativity (the quality of being relative and having significance only in relation to something else)
S: (n) responsiveness (the quality of being responsive; reacting quickly; as a quality of people, it involves responding with emotion to people and events)
S: (n) unresponsiveness, deadness (the quality of being unresponsive; not reacting; as a quality of people, it is marked by a failure to respond quickly or with emotion to people or events) "she began to recover from her numb unresponsiveness after the accident"; "in an instant all the deadness and withdrawal were wiped away"
S: (n) snootiness (the quality of being snooty) "he disliked his neighbors' snootiness"
S: (n) ulteriority (the quality of being ulterior) "their conversation was limited to ulteriorities"; "a terrible feeling of ulteriority"; "his stories were too susceptible to ulteriority"
S: (n) memorability (the quality of being worth remembering) "continuous change results in lack of memorability"; "true memorability of phrase"
W: (adj) characteristic [Related to: characteristic] (typical or distinctive) "heard my friend's characteristic laugh"; "red and gold are the characteristic colors of autumn"; "stripes characteristic of the zebra"
S: (n) characteristic (the integer part (positive or negative) of the representation of a logarithm; in the expression log 643 = 2.808 the characteristic is 2)
S: (n) characteristic, device characteristic (any measurable property of a device measured under closely specified conditions)
S: (adj) characteristic (typical or distinctive) "heard my friend's characteristic laugh"; "red and gold are the characteristic colors of autumn"; "stripes characteristic of the zebra"