S: (n) frame, framing (a framework that supports and protects a picture or a mirror) "the frame enhances but is not itself the subject of attention"; "the frame was much more valuable than the miror it held"
S: (n) frame (the framework for a pair of eyeglasses)
S: (n) gantry, gauntry (a framework of steel bars raised on side supports to bridge over or around something; can display railway signals above several tracks or can support a traveling crane etc.)
S: (n) oxbow (a wooden framework bent in the shape of a U; its upper ends are attached to the horizontal yoke and the loop goes around the neck of an ox)
S: (n) walker, Zimmer, Zimmer frame (a light enclosing framework (trade name Zimmer) with rubber castors or wheels and handles; helps invalids or the handicapped or the aged to walk)
S: (n) wattle (framework consisting of stakes interwoven with branches to form a fence)
S: (n) window (a framework of wood or metal that contains a glass windowpane and is built into a wall or roof to admit light or air)
S: (n) window (the time period that is considered best for starting or finishing something) "the expanded window will give us time to catch the thieves"; "they had a window of less than an hour when an attack would have succeeded"