Key: "S:" = Show Synset (semantic) relations, "W:" = Show Word (lexical) relations
Display options for sense: (gloss) "an example sentence"
S: (n) effigy, image, simulacrum (a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture)) "the coin bears an effigy of Lincoln"; "the emperor's tomb had his image carved in stone"
S: (n) product, production (an artifact that has been created by someone or some process) "they improve their product every year"; "they export most of their agricultural production"
S: (n) remake, remaking (creation that is created again or anew) "it is a remake of an old film"
S: (n) representation (a creation that is a visual or tangible rendering of someone or something)
S: (n) piece (an artistic or literary composition) "he wrote an interesting piece on Iran"; "the children acted out a comic piece to amuse the guests"
W: (v) image [Related to: image] (imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind) "I can't see him on horseback!"; "I can see what will happen"; "I can see a risk in this strategy"