S: (v) abjure, recant, forswear, retract, resile (formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure) "He retracted his earlier statements about his religion"; "She abjured her beliefs"
S: (v) protest, resist, dissent (express opposition through action or words) "dissent to the laws of the country"
S: (v) strike, walk out (stop work in order to press demands) "The auto workers are striking for higher wages"; "The employees walked out when their demand for better benefits was not met"
S: (v) demonstrate, march (march in protest; take part in a demonstration) "Thousands demonstrated against globalization during the meeting of the most powerful economic nations in Seattle"
S: (v) picket (serve as pickets or post pickets) "picket a business to protest the layoffs"
W: (n) renunciation [Related to: renounce] (rejecting or disowning or disclaiming as invalid) "Congressional repudiation of the treaty that the President had negotiated"
W: (n) renouncement [Related to: renounce] (an act (spoken or written) declaring that something is surrendered or disowned)
W: (n) repudiation [Related to: repudiate] (rejecting or disowning or disclaiming as invalid) "Congressional repudiation of the treaty that the President had negotiated"