S: (n) land, dry land, earth, ground, solid ground, terra firma (the solid part of the earth's surface) "the plane turned away from the sea and moved back over land"; "the earth shook for several minutes"; "he dropped the logs on the ground"
S: (n) object, physical object (a tangible and visible entity; an entity that can cast a shadow) "it was full of rackets, balls and other objects"
S: (n) Europe (the 2nd smallest continent (actually a vast peninsula of Eurasia); the British use `Europe' to refer to all of the continent except the British Isles)
W: (v) contain [Related to: continent] (contain or hold; have within) "The jar carries wine"; "The canteen holds fresh water"; "This can contains water"
S: (adj) celibate, continent (abstaining from sexual intercourse) "celibate priests"