Key: "S:" = Show Synset (semantic) relations, "W:" = Show Word (lexical) relations
Display options for sense: (gloss) "an example sentence"
S: (n) volatile (a volatile substance; a substance that changes readily from solid or liquid to a vapor) "it was heated to evaporate the volatiles"
S: (adj) volatile (evaporating readily at normal temperatures and pressures) "volatile oils"; "volatile solvents"
S: (adj) explosive, volatile (liable to lead to sudden change or violence) "an explosive issue"; "a volatile situation with troops and rioters eager for a confrontation"
S: (adj) changeable, changeful (such that alteration is possible; having a marked tendency to change) "changeable behavior"; "changeable moods"; "changeable prices"
W: (adj) unchangeable [Indirect via changeable] (not changeable or subject to change) "a fixed and unchangeable part of the germ plasm"-Ashley Montagu; "the unchangeable seasons"; "one of the unchangeable facts of life"