S: (v) move, displace (cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense) "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant"
S: (v) pull, draw (cause to move by pulling) "draw a wagon"; "pull a sled"
S: (v) transport, carry (move while supporting, either in a vehicle or in one's hands or on one's body) "You must carry your camping gear"; "carry the suitcases to the car"; "This train is carrying nuclear waste"; "These pipes carry waste water into the river"
S: (v) tug (move by pulling hard) "The horse finally tugged the cart out of the mud"
S: (v) disarrange (destroy the arrangement or order of) "My son disarranged the papers on my desk"
S: (v) put, set, place, pose, position, lay (put into a certain place or abstract location) "Put your things here"; "Set the tray down"; "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"; "Place emphasis on a certain point"
S: (v) wind, wrap, roll, twine (arrange or or coil around) "roll your hair around your finger"; "Twine the thread around the spool"; "She wrapped her arms around the child"
S: (v) wedge, squeeze, force (squeeze like a wedge into a tight space) "I squeezed myself into the corner"
S: (v) work (move into or onto) "work the raisins into the dough"; "the student worked a few jokes into his presentation"; "work the body onto the flatbed truck"
S: (v) spill, shed, disgorge (cause or allow (a solid substance) to flow or run out or over) "spill the beans all over the table"
S: (v) spill, slop, splatter (cause or allow (a liquid substance) to run or flow from a container) "spill the milk"; "splatter water"
S: (v) unseat (dislodge from one's seat, as from a horse)
S: (v) separate, disunite, divide, part (force, take, or pull apart) "He separated the fighting children"; "Moses parted the Red Sea"
S: (v) uproot, extirpate, deracinate, root out (pull up by or as if by the roots) "uproot the vine that has spread all over the garden"
S: (v) dandle (move (a baby) up and down in one's arms or on one's knees)
S: (v) roll, revolve (cause to move by turning over or in a circular manner of as if on an axis) "She rolled the ball"; "They rolled their eyes at his words"
S: (v) push, force (move with force) "He pushed the table into a corner"
S: (v) rock, sway (cause to move back and forth) "rock the cradle"; "rock the baby"; "the wind swayed the trees gently"
S: (v) fluctuate (cause to fluctuate or move in a wavelike pattern)
S: (v) pulse (drive by or as if by pulsation) "A soft breeze pulsed the air"
S: (v) send, direct (cause to go somewhere) "The explosion sent the car flying in the air"; "She sent her children to camp"; "He directed all his energies into his dissertation"
S: (v) transport (move something or somebody around; usually over long distances)
S: (v) saltate (move by saltation) "The sand grains are saltated by the wind"
S: (v) chase away, drive out, turn back, drive away, dispel, drive off, run off (force to go away; used both with concrete and metaphoric meanings) "Drive away potential burglars"; "drive away bad thoughts"; "dispel doubts"; "The supermarket had to turn back many disappointed customers"
S: (v) transfer, shift (move around) "transfer the packet from his trouser pockets to a pocket in his jacket"
S: (v) displace (cause to move, usually with force or pressure) "the refugees were displaced by the war"
S: (v) herd, crowd (cause to herd, drive, or crowd together) "We herded the children into a spare classroom"
S: (v) circulate (cause to move in a circuit or system) "The fan circulates the air in the room"
S: (v) upstage (move upstage, forcing the other actors to turn away from the audience)
S: (v) swing (move in a curve or arc, usually with the intent of hitting) "He swung his left fist"; "swing a bat"
S: (v) turn, turn over (cause to move around a center so as to show another side of) "turn a page of a book"
S: (v) turn (cause to move around or rotate) "turn a key"; "turn your palm this way"
S: (v) turn (cause to move along an axis or into a new direction) "turn your face to the wall"; "turn the car around"; "turn your dance partner around"
S: (v) slide (move smoothly along a surface) "He slid the money over to the other gambler"
S: (v) run (cause an animal to move fast) "run the dogs"
S: (v) whistle (move, send, or bring as if by whistling) "Her optimism whistled away these worries"
S: (v) beat, flap (move with a thrashing motion) "The bird flapped its wings"; "The eagle beat its wings and soared high into the sky"
S: (v) singsong (move as if accompanied by a singsong) "The porters singsonged the travellers' luggage up the mountain"
S: (v) hustle (cause to move furtively and hurriedly) "The secret service agents hustled the speaker out of the amphitheater"
S: (v) wash (move by or as if by water) "The swollen river washed away the footbridge"
S: (v) rake (move through with or as if with a rake) "She raked her fingers through her hair"
S: (v) blow (cause to move by means of an air current) "The wind blew the leaves around in the yard"
S: (v) drag (use a computer mouse to move icons on the screen and select commands from a menu) "drag this icon to the lower right hand corner of the screen"
S: (v) pull, draw (cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense) "A declining dollar pulled down the export figures for the last quarter"
S: (v) lateralize (move or displace to one side so as to make lateral)
S: (v) translate (subject to movement in which every part of the body moves parallel to and the same distance as every other point on the body)
S: (v) hit, strike (drive something violently into a location) "he hit his fist on the table"; "she struck her head on the low ceiling"
S: (v) sling (move with a sling) "sling the cargo onto the ship"