S: (v) tap, rap, knock, pink (make light, repeated taps on a surface) "he was tapping his fingers on the table impatiently"
S: (v) pink, ping, knock (sound like a car engine that is firing too early) "the car pinged when I put in low-octane gasoline"; "The car pinked when the ignition was too far retarded"
S: (v) pink (cut in a zigzag pattern with pinking shears, in sewing)
S: (v) cut (separate with or as if with an instrument) "Cut the rope"
S: (v) separate, disunite, divide, part (force, take, or pull apart) "He separated the fighting children"; "Moses parted the Red Sea"
S: (v) move, displace (cause to move or shift into a new position or place, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense) "Move those boxes into the corner, please"; "I'm moving my money to another bank"; "The director moved more responsibilities onto his new assistant"